Life with God Archive

Mom Always Sang – Dad Always Whistled

I didn’t grow up in a “musical family. “ We weren’t the Von Trapp family, the Cowsills, or the Partridge Family. But there was always music in our home. Mom always sang. And Dad always whistled. When it came to singing, Dad couldn’t carry ...Read More

Focusing Beyond the Goal

I’ve heard said it in sermons all my life: kindness is its own reward. Jesus Himself said, we’re told (it’s not recorded in the gospels), that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. We give out of the overflow of our hearts in ...Read More

Lost in the Wonder of an Endlessly Creative God

The God I serve is endlessly creative and his creations are endlessly fascinating. The apostle Paul says we can learn about God’s nature by looking at what He has made: By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have ...Read More

Am I Ready for the Storm?

These days, I find myself walking a tightrope between two somewhat contradictory lines of thinking. On the one hand, I am very much in favor of the ideal of our nation being the “leader of the free world,” a nation where everyone lives in ...Read More

Welcome to the Hotel California (what a nice surprise!)

My friend Deny (pronounced Denny) says that the best rock song ever recorded is the Eagles’ Hotel California. I’m inclined to agree. This dreamscaped narrative takes the listener through a fascinating series of “scenes.” In case you haven’t ever heard it (wait! – REALLY? ...Read More

How Do the Cookies Know?

So, how do the cookies know?  Seriously, how DO they know?   It can feel kind of eerie sometimes.  There you are, eating in your favorite Chinese restaurant, and after the meal you open your fortune cookie and BLAM!  You get blindsided by a ...Read More