Free Stuff Archive

Make Your Windows 10 Look and Act Like Windows 7

(Well, mostly…) I still run into people who are unhappy with Windows 10. They LOVED Windows 7, hated Windows 8 (those who used it), and don’t find Windows 10 a satisfactory “step forward.” I had a client this week who fits that description. She ...Read More

Getting Back the Things Windows 10 Removed

They all do it. The software giants create apps and functionality you come to love (or become  addicted to) and then, on down the road, they pull the rug out from under you by discontinuing them. The official phrase is, “certain functionality has been ...Read More

There Is a Safe Place to Download Free Software

There is some really high quality software available for free these days, in almost every category – software that is powerful, easy to use, and highly effective. The problem is that on almost every site where it is available for download, the site intentionally ...Read More

Nashville’s BEST Used Book, Music, and Video Store

The first time you walk into McKay’s Books on Old Hickory Blvd. near Charlotte in West Nashville, TN, you just stand there in slack-jawed astonishment. Imagine a store the size of a Kroger supermarket filled with used books, music, movies, and a whole lot ...Read More

My Choice for the Best Free Antivirus Solution

Antivirus protection doesn’t have to be expensive to be good. One of the computer questions I get asked most frequently is: What is the best free antivirus solution? Now you don’t want to mess around when it comes to protecting your computer. You want ...Read More

Free Stock Photos – Royalty Free and No Attribution Required

Ever have a need for stock photos for work or personal use? Here are ten sites that offer photos for free. No copyright restrictions, no limitations, no attribution required. And did I mention they’re free?    Both Photos and Clipart ...Read More